Updizzates 5.5.10

Posted: May 5, 2010 in Misc, Uncategorized
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May…. the month of my birthday and NZ music month, gotta love it. Lately ive been busy with class work, been given our bulk of assignments for the term and am starting to slowly work through them as well as trying to organize a few shows for a established band from AUS, so if I plan and work hard enough I know everything will pay off 🙂 (good thing to live by :D). Looking over the last few months I can easily say ive learnt alot through the course im doing which is always good along with that ive also learnt that what im doing takes a shit load out of you but once my boys from 2TL get up and running I get things going for them im sure it will be well worth the all I put into it!

Along side all that I starting to take a deeper interest in business and how everything runs in the share markets etc, still learning the pros and cons of running the share game, its really really interesting!

Work aside, changes are always good no matter the outcome good or bad, theres a reason everything happens and always look at the positives of things that arent going your way, trust me, I use to be a real negative person until my mother taught me that and all I can say is that it works and makes you look like a better person to the people around you…

With all that said I better get back to doing my class work.


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